Bands and Artists

Currently there are 219 artists confirmed.

Bands and Artists

Bon Harris (GB) "Songs from the lemon tree" -
Circuit Preacher (USA) exclusive European premiere -
Dead Astronauts (USA) European premiere -
Death Loves Veronica (USA) Europapremiere -
Diva Destruction (USA) exclusive European show after 20 years -
Dorsetshire (D) Farewell-Show -
Gvllow (USA) European premiere -
Haunt Me (USA) European premiere -
Izabela Kaldunska (PL) "The New Solarism" -
Ladytron (GB) exclusive show in Germany in 2024 -
Model Collapse (D) Livepremiere -
Prayers (MEX/USA) European premiere - exclusive concert 2024 -
Reaper (D) exclusive band-reunionshow -
Tiamat (S) Clouds & Wildhoney-Set -
Zombeast (USA) reunionshow/European premiere -

Also this year, we will only announce bands which are confirmed 100% in written form for the Wave-Gotik-Treffen.
So, check back often...

  • For more information about the confirmed artists, take a look at their official webpages here

Last change: 2024-05-17